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PCB Consignment Services

Imagineering will utilize your existing supply of parts, combined with our expertise, to produce guaranteed high-quality PCBs with your exact specifications.

Our consignment PCB assembly services are designed to make use of your existing supply chain so you can get your products to market faster and with less overhead. You send us a kit along with your design specifications. We use our state-of-the-art equipment and assembly knowledge to produce high quality, fully functional PCBs for your next project.

Why Choose Consignment PCB Assembly?

Electronics manufacturing is a delicate process. Depending on the application you have planned, you may have stringent requirements for materials, quality, or overhead costs that need to be respected.

You may have a supply of components or parts that guarantee your products will meet the demands of your customers. The only thing you lack is the capability of assembling the PCB to an equally high standard.

That’s where Imagineering comes in

For those manufacturers with an existing supply of parts or components who just need a high-quality assembler to complete their PCBs, we offer our consignment services.

We’re ready to receive and handle your stock of parts and begin assembly immediately. Our consignment services include:

A thorough inventory process that ensures all of your parts are available before we begin assembly. This includes a close examination of every kit for completeness.

Parts storage in temperature and humidity-controlled environments.

Full warehousing and storage services to ensure your parts are available for your next project.

Of course, we don’t just take special care with your supplies. We also use our state-of-the-art technology to
assemble your PCBs to the highest possible quality standards. Our assembly process includes:


How Imagineering Guarantees Quality PCBs for Every Application

If you’re relying on a stock of parts because you need to personally guarantee certain quality standards, Imagineering is your ideal consignment assembly partner.

That’s because we’ve spent 37 years helping clients in a vast range of industries design and perfect PCBs for every imaginable application.

Our Tech Makes a Difference

Our expert engineers have access to the latest hardware and software that help them design and assemble any kind of PCB you need.

Our assembly capabilities include:

We guarantee the quality of your boards through an on-going QA process that includes:

Automated optical inspection (AOI)

BGA X-Ray inspection

Full functionality testing

We’re able to place up to 40,000 components per hour and offer changeovers on-the-fly, which are crucial to our 24-hour turnarounds. With 18 nozzles in total, our pick and place machines are capable of mounting a vast mix of component types.
Have a unique requirement?

Contact us and we’ll let you know if we can handle it.

Fully-Certified Circuit Board Experts

Part of our dedication to quality is staying on top of all relevant industry standards. We are:

Imagineering’s Dedication to Service

At Imagineering, we value our customer relationships above all else. We know that the best way for us to meet our goals is to help our customers meet theirs. That’s why we go above and beyond to ensure you’re happy and satisfied with the products you receive.

When you choose to work with Imagineering, you get access to:

DFM/DFA/CAM Checks: These are computer-aided pre-production checks that ensure your designs are optimized for manufacturing and assembly. We use them to spot issues early and fix them before any work starts. This optimizes your boards while reducing costs and eliminating the chance of last-minute problems.

Off-Shore Production: Our global presence in Korea and Taiwan enables economies of scale. This helps us control costs while also accommodating larger and more complex production runs.

Responsive Customer Service: Without our customers, we can’t meet our goals. That’s why every Imagineering customer has access to our dedicated support team that is on hand to help identify and resolve issues as should they ever arise.